With the Brisbane Ekka cancelled in August, CSC Group jumped in and became a regional re-seller of their Ekka sundaes. It is a pleasure to report as a result of the great sales of the sundaes at Caboolture Sports Club, CSC was able to provide $4,000 to The Common Good, the charity that provides much-needed funding to Caboolture Hospital and other hospitals in Queensland. The donation is being put towards the hospital’s Eat Walk Engage program which helps keep the minds and bodies active for their elderly and long-term patients’, to reduce anxiety and risk of delirium. The funding will specifically help with Delta Therapy Dogs training and visits. So if you every see or hear of dogs within Caboolture hospital sitting with patients, think about CSC’s help in getting this program off the ground.
Above: Patricia Saia and Camey Demmitt from Caboolture Hospital’s Eat Walk Engage program with
Tony Clarke (CSC Group ) and Mick Dwane (The Common Good).
Top: image source deltasociety.com.au