Rising Stars Fund

Rising Star Application

  • Overview

    Caboolture Sports Club's Rising Star Program provides financial assistance to local sportspeople selected for representation in their chosen sport. Rising Stars can be athletes, coaches or officials. It's our way of helping the next generation of sporting stars! At Caboolture Sports Club, we understand that the costs required to compete in representative sport can quickly pile up, so let us lend a helping hand. Online applications are always open and are assessed monthly.

    Eligibility & Conditions

    To be eligible for the Rising Stars Fund, the applicant must:
    1. Be aged 18 years or over, or the parent/guardian of an applicant under 18.
    2. Be a current financial member of Caboolture Sports Group (possess a current membership card which shows your membership number).
    3. Reside in divisions 1, 2, 3 or 12 of Moreton Bay Regional Council.
    4. Complete and submit an online application using the Rising Stars Application form available below (generic letters or emails only will not be accepted).
    5. Attach official proof of selection or entry. This is usually a dated selection letter from your governing sports body outlining the event, dates, locations, etc.
    6. Acknowledge the assistance provided by Caboolture Sports Club whenever reasonably possible.
    7. Submit the application at least six weeks prior to the event, (unless official notice of selection or entry is given within 6 weeks of the event).
    8. Provide proof of one related expense such as entry fee, travel or accommodation invoice.
    9. Agree to participate in media and promotional activities including publishing of photos and stories relating to the funding on or within Caboolture Sports Club's website, Facebook page, Community Connect magazine or any other published material.
    10. Submit a Funding Outcome Form within 7 days of the completion of the event.

    Levels of Support Available

    While all applications that meet the above-mentioned criteria will be considered, some applications may not be successful. Amounts provided may be affected by various factors such as the number of eligible requests, funding pool size, and recent funding amounts provided to the applicant. Funding levels:
    • Up to $150 for applicants selected for regional representation, or non-selected entry into a state event.
    • Up to $250 for applicants (including coaches and competition officials) selected for state level events, or non-seleted entry into national events.
    • Up to $400 for applicants (including coaches and competition officials) selected for national representation within Australia.
    • Up to $500 for applicants (including coaches and competition officials) selected for national representation overseas.

    How to apply

    Applications for funding from our Rising Stars Program are reviewed monthly. Please apply using the form below if you meet the selection criteria.

    Outcome of application

    While all applications that meet the aforementioned criteria will be considered by the Management Committee, some applications may not be successful. All applicants will receive written notification of the outcome of their application.  
  • Athlete Details

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Parent/Guardian Details

    For athletes under 18 years of age.
  • (for under 18yrs athletes)
  • Event Details & Funding Amount Request

  • Please list all event dates.
  • Town, State & Country
  • Provide us with as much detail on the event/s as possible (team names, competition, level of performance, etc..)
  • Please include the legal account name that we should put on the cheque.
  • Sponsor Recognition

  • In what ways will you (or the athlete) recognise the support provided?
  • Supporting Documents

  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB.
    • Accepted file types: jpg, pdf, png, Max. file size: 5 MB.
    • High-resolution that has no copyright restrictions
      Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, Max. file size: 5 MB.
    • By submitting this application, the applicant or parent/guardian herein confirms that: (a) all of the information provided is to the best of your knowledge, accurate and truthful, and can be verified if required, (b) all necessary documents required to verify my selection/entry, and a relevant cost related to this event have been attached, (c) any financial assistance provided by Caboolture Sports Club will be used for the purpose stated in this application, (d) photographs submitted are free of copyright and may be forwarded on to relevant media to be considered for various sports articles, (e) information on event outcomes as a result of this grant may also be published in the Club’s magazine Community Connect, (f) should this application be successful, I must complete an event outcome form and return it to Caboolture Sports Club within seven days of the event. (g) CSC Group has the unrestricted right & permission to the copyright of the attached image, use and publish without restriction made through any and all media now and hereafter for social media, promotion, advertising, print or any purpose whatsoever.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

    Visit us


    19-27 Station Rd,
    Morayfield QLD 4506

    Directions Our location

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